Trademark Registration process
Trademark Search
Many business owners are unaware of the significance of a trademark search. It’s not enough to have a distinctive brand name in mind to avoid a TM search.
Filing Trademark Application
You can register your selected brand name or logo after ensuring that it is not already registered with the Trademark Registry of India.
The examiner examines a trademark application once it is submitted for any irregularities. The evaluation might take anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
The publishing phase is included in the trademark registration procedure so that anybody who disagrees to the trademark being registered can object.
Registration Certificate
Following publication in the Trademark Journal, a registration certificate bearing the Trademark Office’s seal is issued.
After every ten years, the trademark can be renewed indefinitely. As a result, your logo or brand name registration will be permanently protected.
Our Mission
To be India’s premier, trustworthy, and dependable legal company, with a dominant market share in the field of intellectual property rights and effective services at a low cost to small and medium businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs, as well as multinational and well-known companies.
We endeavour to provide our clients with the best possible conclusion by delivering a timely, thorough, and high-quality work product. This standard is applied to every application we submit, every agreement we draught, and every case we fight.
We take honesty very seriously. Simply put, we do everything we can to win and keep our clients’ trust.
Our Vision
Consistent collaboration and coordinated work inside and across our teams, across all practise areas, is our most significant asset for growth. Each partner-led team understands the client’s expectations and responds quickly to ensure the client’s commitment to satisfaction.
We are able to operate effortlessly across all practise areas for our clients by emphasising our key principles of quality, reliability, and efficacy, as well as a basic awareness that we work best in teams and collaborate.
We should choose a strategy that requires the greatest levels of expertise, technical competence, and service delivery in each of our practise areas, allowing us to give accurate, trustworthy, timely, and cost-effective advice to a variety of business groups and sectors. This is evident in our employees, who follow the system and always put the client’s requirements first.
We are able to keep up with the changing environment that our customers operate in and provide them with unique solutions to their business requirements or legal reservations because of our knowledge and diversity of experience within the teams.
Aid and empower MSME, Startups, and Entrepreneurs in effectively safeguarding their Intellectual Property Rights, as well as raise awareness among India’s youth and ordinary people about the necessity and utility of Intellectual Property Law in daily life.
We listen and work together to create a unique experience
3 +
Working Stations
We try our level best to accomplish the way our clients desire, not the other way around.
30 +
Team Size
Our whole team strive to work hard to provide smile to our customers.